Honoring This Place
We are creatures of the Earth.
We are of Her, on Her, and connected to all that She is.
She is the Land beneath our feet, the Sky above our heads,
and the Waters that surround us. We stand with
Fire in the Center, and are One with the Creative Spirit that weaves
through us and all that is here with us, connecting us to this
sacred place we call Earth.
Feel the solid ground beneath your feet, the
dirt, the grasses, the rocks and stones. See the
mountains, the trees and the many plants rooted in this holy soil.
This Land provides all that nourishes our bodies and all of
the animals, birds, reptiles, and insects that live here with us.
If we pay attention, there is nothing that we cannot learn
and know from this.
Now look around you. See the
Sky above, the blue or the grey of it, the clouds, some streaked,
some looking like large pillows, some white, some grey, or tinted
pink at the sunset and a lovely yellow orange and sometimes purple
at the dawn. Breathe the air.
Feel the breeze in your hair. Know that the rains
and storms, the lightning, snow and sleet are all of the Sky.
Some of her creatures take to the Sky, leaving the Land to
soar above us, carrying seed or pollen so that more might grow on
the Land.
Listen for the waters. Hear
the rushing creek, the loud waterfall, or the roaring waves of the
Sea. All water leads back to the Sea.
Sweet water, replenishing water, hydrating all that lives on
her shores. Here too, live all sorts of
creatures, their every need provided.
This is home. We cannot live
without the Land, the Sky, or the Sea. This is
our Holy Trinity, holding us, nurturing us, giving us what we need
to live and die and live again. And the
sacredness of our love, our compassion, and our holy Fire of
Inspiration, feeds our souls, enlightens our minds, and guides us,
for we are One with All that is.